ITEA is the Eureka Cluster on software innovation
ITEA is the Eureka Cluster on software innovation
Please note that the ITEA Office will be closed on Monday 20 May due to Pentecost.
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E-PYME, as a new start-up company, was accepted in 2002 within a new initiative which had been carried out by the "Unidad de Promoción de Empresas de Gran Canaria" (Business Development Center), according to the agreement approved by "La Comisión de Selección y Control" (Selection and Control Commission), an organ within this commission which is in charge of controlling different projects and approve their admission. In this organ, three sponsoring entities are represented: "Cabildo de Gran Canaria" (Council) , "Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria" (ULPGC), "Consejería de Presidencia e Innovación Tecnológica del Gobierno de Canarias" (Ministry for Technological Innovation) and "Instituto Tecnológico de Canarias" (Technological Institute). The company is formed by professionals who are specialised in new technologies and possess several years of experience. Their strong point is the design and development of new web-based information systems. This group of professionals had been working at the "Centro de Innovación para Sociedad de la Información" (Information Society research Center), afterwards they were working at the "Centro de Investigación de la Universidad de Las Palmas" (Research Center of the University of Las Palmas); as a result, they have created the company Desarrollos Tecnológicos e-pyme S.L.L.

(Extracted from FPP of METAVERSE, approved by Victor Monzón on 2013-01-29)
Small and Medium sized Enterprise
Alt Spain

Project participation

ITEA 2 Call 2
Alt Alt Alt Alt Alt Alt
Winner Achievement Awards Silver 2011
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Global standards among real and virtual worlds