ITEA is the Eureka Cluster on software innovation
ITEA is the Eureka Cluster on software innovation
Please note that the ITEA Office will be closed on Monday 20 May due to Pentecost.
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ATECNIC - Actividades Técnicas Industriais

ATECNIC is a commercial company located in Portugal, Spain, Angola e Mozambique. The company has an average number of employees of 400. The defined strategy is based on: Large spreading in the European and African markets; Raised specialization; Scientific, technological, industrial and commercial

Partnership, Competitive prices; and Total Quality.

ATECNIC's Quality Policy, settled by the Chairman, is based on the concept that it must be on hand either

the necessary human resources competently prepared or the necessary adjusted technical means.

More over everything in the Company must be clean, positional, preserved, operational, up to date, suitable, conform, controlled, quantified, studied, optimized, rationalized and just in time, for the consistent guarantee of its progress and the total satisfaction of its Customers, without damaging its enterprise stability.

Large Industry
Alt Portugal

Project participation

ITEA 2 Call 3
Alt Alt


Networked Monitoring & Control, Diagnostic for Electrical Distribution